In honor of the spookiest month, each week in October I'm going to be hopping on a stream to sculpt a goblin character with Blender. The little guy was designed by our very own Mr. Tim Von Rueden!
Come hang out. Learn some character modeling tricks-o-the-trade. Bring your questions about Blender, modeling, sculpting, CGC, art, movies, music - whatever - and let's have some Halloween-themed fun.
CC Music Attribution
how can I easily cut down , or "erease" a thin part like the ears or the fingers?
I guess separating the head on the high res model isn't practical?
Yeah gganjaseed15 , here's a great place to start!
why don'y you create a youtube account?
You can live stream on youtube also
An excavator sounds pretty cool
do anyone here know how to model characters?
is it not possible to apply symmetry to just the head?
Ah, thanks
dynamesh is the closest to dyntopo and zremesher is the retopology tool