3D "Doodles"
A "doodle" in 3D is essentially a complete project / render accomplished from start to finish in a short amount of time. For streams like this it's 1-2 hrs. The goal is to speed up a workflow and increase output.
In this stream we're going to create a wintry lake environment based on a photo. There's several elements to create including trees, terrain, lake surface, and volumetric fog. So we're going to have to cut as many corners as possible while maintaining visual fidelity. Should be fun!
Here's my exploratory render:
And to you as well, sir. :)
Well I wish you the best of luck!
In fact I think this is going to be my very first competition!
Oh boy I get to look at the cookie again, I still can't believe it actually happened.
yeah sounds likely
thecabbagedetective in that case the answer is "yes, I too am applying for the Rookie Awards"!
Ha you beat me to the punch
It's possible like 60% of the time is spent making just the tree and then Alt+D-ing it everywhere, that's what I thought.
sounds neato
Are you using tree assets I'm guessing?