• Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective)

    I dunno, we've gotten through worse than Brexit, we'll be good.

  • s

    Kent always makes me nervous with his saving, I hit CTRL+S like ever minute
    though he's getting better at it :-D

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective)

    Free tea, crumpets, and dental care that no one seems to use.

  • Jake Korosi(jakeblended)

    The city where I grew up had a baseball player named Omar who was one of the greatest shortstops who ever played, he's now a coach there.

  • Irinel Alexandru Radut(irinel0790)


  • silentheart00

    Well, if Brexit doesn't blow things up.

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel)

    That would be cool

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective)

    I used to know an Omar, but I believe he emigrated. You're welcome to fill his place as this country's Omar.

  • s

    Mathhews answer is better :)

  • Matthew Ullrey(ullreym)

    nnburgessdla Pixabay.com search for "tree silhouette" Deedster posted some good ones.

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3D "Doodles"

A "doodle" in 3D is essentially a complete project / render accomplished from start to finish in a short amount of time. For streams like this it's 1-2 hrs. The goal is to speed up a workflow and increase output.

In this stream we're going to create a wintry lake environment based on a photo. There's several elements to create including trees, terrain, lake surface, and volumetric fog. So we're going to have to cut as many corners as possible while maintaining visual fidelity. Should be fun!

Here's my exploratory render:

Materials Modeling Rendering