So, I finally caved and bought a Wacom Cyntiq. Usually, although I have multiple monitors, I always used Blender on 1 of them, because using 32" monitors, 1 is enough... BUT now that I have the 24" Cyntiq Pro, I am curious if one can view/use Blender on 2 separate monitors: 1 for modeling and 2 for sculpting or painting textures . . .
So far, I cannot get it to work. This is what I've done so far...
While in the Layout window, I clicked on Window/New Window, which created a new Blender window, which allowed me to drag the new window over to my Wacom Cyntiq. BUT if I change layout windows to say Modeling or Sculpting, both windows change.
So, instead of being in Layout in window 1, I went into Sculpting. Then I clicked on Window/New Window. After I dragged that new window to the Cyntiq, I went back to the first window on my other monitor, and I clicked in Modeling, and it did it again. Both windows keep changing as if they were more like mirrors of each other.
Any ideas?
All I am trying to accomplish is to have 1 window on my Cyntiq set to Scuplting and a second window on my other monitor set to Layout or other tabs and the 1st window stays on Sculpting.
Is that even possible? And can you even save them as a profile?
Thanks all!
What you can do, is to choose New Main Window, that way each window can have its own Workspace.
However: when your Object is in Sculpt Mode, it will be in Sculpt Mode in both Workspaces. An Object can not be in two different modes at the same time (at least in Blender afaik).
don't know if there's a built in functionality for this. but try this: haven't tested it yet as I bought this tiny addon only for the exe file that can keep any windows window on top of everything else, but it promises kinda what you're looking for I believe:
Honestly, after trying it, I don't really know why - on second thought - why I would want to view an object in two different modes. I mean, why? That's the real question - LOL! I figured, afterwards, one doesn't sculpt and model at the same time, per se. I mean, I guess one could say that sculpting is modeling, but I think you know what I mean.
All good. Thanks, Spikeyxxx
I viewed the link you sent. That really looks cool, and may do it for me. Thanks for sending that over!