No question, just super happy for this course!

Cannot wait to dive into this!! (After I finish scultping, texturing and the current animation course lol) I may jump ahead into this because I love camera workd!

  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Haha,  don't get distracted by the new shinny thing Kat.  It will still be here when you finish all those other things on your to do list.


  • Kat Loveland(chaoslillith) replied

    Well, it all kind of works together in the end. lol. I've already done some basic animation work, not with in depth character  rigging though, but that's on my list. I am currently trying to sculpt a shark :) I want to do a Star Wars fanvid animated short  (possibly series) so am trying to get a decent working knowledge of all the aspects of it before delving into the deep end. I've never done animation before, but have a photography and video editing background, and writing. :) Maybe one day I will make actual money doing all of this. (Ok, my dream is to work for WETA so I can immigrate to New Zealand. It's good to have goals.)