Getting the Array modifier too work properly

I have now been trying to get the "array" modifier too work properly, so here we are without linking my empty to the Array modifier.

And here is what happens as soon as I link it. They all grow in size exponentially, and if I try to select the empty and rotate I do not get the propellers turning properly either. What am I doing wrong?

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Apply the Scale (CTRL+A in Object Mode) of both the propeller and Empty!

    If you have an Object Offset with the Array Modifier and that Object has a (uniform) Scale of 2, then each 'iteration' of the array gets twice as big as the one before...Might look a bit unintuitive at first, but that is actually the power of the Object Offset.

    Don't worry, almost everybody struggles with that;)

    Feel free to ask more, if you still don't get it!

  • Mark Smith(me1958424) replied

    what he said...