Fitting clothing/outfit mesh over different body mesh

I stuck a little bit about this question but I have no idea how to achieve this. Maybe anyone can help me out.

I have a base body mesh and as example a breath shape key to animate breathing. Then fittet the clothes to fit to the breath shape key value 0 and 1. So far so good. But when I change the base body model I need to remodeling the clothes new.

In other games i'ts look like they have one clothing base shape to fit different body models.

How do they achieve this?

  • spikeyxxx replied

    My first guess would be to use a Shrinkwrap Modifier with a slight offset... With clothes that already have more or less a body shape, that should work fine.

     At least in Blender.

    How this is going to work in a game engine I do not know.

  • ske500 replied

    Yes, I think Shrinkwarp Modifier is great, but when I change the base mash in way, as example a realy fat body with a other shape key, I need to remash the clothe.

    Maybe I can participate with the different shapekeys to deform the clothe to, but I have no idea how to do this. Maybe I think in the wrong direction.

  • ske500 replied

    Wrong replay button, the next post should be here.

  • spikeyxxx replied

    You shouldn't use Shapekeys on the clothes when using the Shrinkwrap, 

    If there are problems with a very fat person, you may need to adjust some vertices to get the clothes a bit closer to the body, but if the clothes are well made, the Shrinkwrap should be able to take care of everything...

    You might want to play with different shrinkwrap methods if the result is not to your liking...

  • ske500 replied

    I tried this out and it seems it's work really well. Thank you. :)

    I used shrink modifier to fit the clothe but I havent try it with modifing the base mash with a shape key.

  • ske500 replied

    I played a little bit with the schrinkwarp modifier, it's working realy fine. When I try it on an Item I want to to save the form of an object or have a hard part like a shoe with heel the schrinkwarp modifier is also working? 

    I test it with Vertex Group to save the stiff part but the result is not I was expected.

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Won't work in any situation, but what I would try, is a Solidify Modifier with a Vertex Group for the sole and place it after the Shrinkwrap.