@ Kent
At the end of your video you suggested to add the right way to add Fresnel and studying reference material. Including a way to control each scratch-input with a single value.
Soo, i've done that. Dispite i didn't actually looked for reference material, i did add a Scratch-influence per scratch-layer + Fresnel. In addition i've integrated the PBR-metal material nodes into the Group + some extra features. So how can i attatch the blend file to this Question/Commend so you/anyone can see it?
Node Group: https://i.imgur.com/bO8uwVS.png
Preview: https://i.imgur.com/bOJSEuA.png
Node noodles: https://i.imgur.com/DgalORd.png
Before this challenge i did make a shader group wich makes the Fresnel emit light for practicing purposes. Wich definitaly helped with this challenge.
pic: https://i.imgur.com/4pU9QtC.png
Wow! I must admit I totally forgot about the challenge I made at the end of that video. You're the first person to accept the challenge in the video's 5-year history. That deserves a 🥇
From what I can tell you've implemented the proposed upgrades to the shader very well. You seem to be very knowledgeable about shader creation. Awesome job!
Do you wish to view the file yourself? So you can tinker around. I only followed the Jellyfish tutorial, PBR and this tutorial till now :D.
The file contains all of the work of the Shader Forge so far. The top row are the Tutorial materials, the bottom are experiments: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wamyyb4lab0rky7/Shader%20Forge.blend?dl=0