Does anyone have Maya?

Dare I mention Maya on a Blender forum?! How dare I!! But seriously, I have some models that were created in Maya (I think version 2017) and I would like to if anyone has Maya that wouldn't mind exporting them out as .OBJ objects for me. Anyone?

I could download the free trial, but they want my credit card number, and I know I will forget the trial ending and wind up getting charged a !@#@$ of money. 

Thought I'd ask. Thanks in advance! And if anyone knows of a way to import Maya native objects into Blender, then please let me know as I have abandoned Maya entirely for Blender. 

  • Declan Flynn(jdeclanflynn) replied


    I actually found a copy of Maya on an older Mac computer, so I was able to open my old Maya files and export them out as .OBJ objects. I just need to discover a better way to do it is all, because right now everything is being treated like on object, so either a) that's what I will get, or b) I made an error during the exporting phase. But thanks to everyone for considering my question.

  • Matthew Fricker(frikkr) replied

    Glad you managed to get it sorted , I personally don't know anybody that has Maya. Hope they go into Blender ok so you can continue working on them.

  • Declan Flynn(jdeclanflynn) replied

    Update 2!

    .FBX is most definitely the way to go. Every object, group, light and camera is now showing up within the Outliner, which will make it very easy for me to replicate these older models the correct way in Blender.

  • Declan Flynn(jdeclanflynn) replied

    Improve? No doubt! These models were made way back then. I made so, so, so many mistakes, so yes, I will most definitely be improving upon these. But it's nice to have them sort of saved from the sinking ship that is Maya. Thanks for your reply!

  • Shawn Blanch(blanchsb) replied

    Yeah FBX is a decent file type to import. And most 3D programs are accepting it these days. I don't have Maya but I am glad you found a solution.

  • Morten Fjellheim(arev) replied

    I am not really answering the question here, but i downloaded houdini just a few days ago. They also have a free student version, and it is ok if you learn on your own.