I am in the process of creating an animated series and I really want to use Eevee and wherever practical , procedural textures to keep both creation and render times to a minimum.
Can anyone recommend any tutorials that cover all the tricks and workflows to procedural texturing in general. I keep seeing ones that cover "procedural wood" for example but I really would like to watch something that covers procedural texturing as a whole and explains what all the nodes do so I can then apply that to various aspects of my scenes.
Thanks in advance :)
hey Matt,
if you belong to blender cloud they are just starting the very workshop you're looking for
Ahh damn , I used to have a sub , but I cancelled it. I'll look into it again. Thanks Mark!
frikkr I don't know if. this will help and probably doesn't have enough detail but may be a good starting point. YouTube video all 80 + Blender material nodes explained in 30 minutes.
Here's an excellent written tutorial for Cycles, but most of it is the same for Eevee, I think:
There is also a follow-up tutorial for procedural wear and tear where you can learn a lot about procedural shading. And he has some free procedural materials, but after these tutorials you'll probably just want to create them yourself...