Hi shanr, you are using a Mix Shader instead of a Color > Mix RGB Node! (You can see a red line where you connect the output of the Mix Shader to the Color input of the Background Shader, indicating that the connection is wrong!)
Yup. Use Mix RGB instead and it should work better.
I've done that a time or two.
The naming of these two nodes is a bit inconvenient, I think...It took me a few years before I understood the difference and when to use which, (This was before the different types of Nodes had different colors; all the Nodes where grey, which made it a lot less obvious...I can't even look at that any more.)
A Mix Shader is not just a 'Shader that mixes', but it mixes Shaders. In the same way: a Mix RGB, mixes (RGB) colors.
I like to think of them as 'Shader Mixer' and 'RGB Mixer'...
Also an Add Shader is not just a 'Shader that adds', but it adds Shaders together, so more of a 'Shader Adder''...
Glad you worked it out shanr! Thanks for the great answer spikeyxxx and Shawn. :-)
I like Spikeys word shifts, that helps a bunch on how to remember what they do...