I created a cloth simulation that consists basically on this: https://www.dreamstime.com/stock-photography-french-fries-basket-isolated-white-background-image39824092
The problem that I have is that the plane is not entering into the bowl. What do you recommend?.
Do you have something to weigh down the cloth? Like the french fries in the picture...
I´m trying to replicate this. The problem I have is that my plane/cloth creates the simulation and folds around the top border, but in the center (the part where the fry goes) stays very firm. Instead of going into the bottom, stays in the top covering my basket.. I don't really know what's going on, the cloth simulation works fine with a closed mesh, but it´s not working so well with my basket.
What do you recommend?. My idea was to create the napkin inside the basket, apply the modifier to stop the animation and then add the fries with collision/rigid body to create randomness in the position.
My idea was to create the napkin inside the basket, stop the animation and then add the fries with rigid body simulation. What do you recommend to do?. How could I add weight to my cloth simulation?.
Is the hitbox for the bowl set to "mesh"? Maybe it isn't working because it's set to "convex hull".
Make the cloth simulation and from the frame when the cloth just covers the basket, push it down in the basket with an animated Collision Object (maybe a stretched Sphere or anything that has more or less the shape of the volume of the french fries).
I'd try pushing it down with an animated object as well. Also make sure there are enough subdivisions in the middle of the cloth for it to deform. AFIK collision objects should have no issue with convex shapes. If it really doesn't work, upload a file and we can check it out.