Since it is brought up, parenting curves ?

In the second example for the scaling, couldn't you just make 1 action in the action editor, and applied it to both the X and the Y axis scale ?

Isn't there a way to make.. ummm action group or graph editor curves group, or parenting, so one action changes, or one curve affect all the parented parameters ? Aside from assigning it in the action editor and using the same action in multiple parameters ?

  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Dear Diary,

    Not exactly.  You can only apply one action to an object at a time (unless you use the NLA) but it works on the names of the channels.  So you can't duplicate it and apply it a different channel concurrently.

    It is possible, however, to drive one channel with the value of the other so you only have to animate 1 curve. (or use a custom property to drive the channels)

    But an even easier way for the "scaling" example is to actually translate it towards a perspective camera.

    I decided not to do this as an example for 2 reasons.  

    1. Then it is essentially the same task as the other animation (vertical translation)

    2. I wanted you to get the hang of controlling multiple curves at once in the GE.  This is something you need to get the hang of as it will speed you up when you do "real" animation.

    Hope that makes sense.  Keep up the hard work!

  • colorsdiary replied

    I see, that makes perfect sense.
