Tris to Quads: Shape Angle

I'm wondering what is meant with "Shape Angle" in Blender's "Tris to Quads" operator. The official Blender 2.83 manual only mentions a "Max Angle":

Max Angle

This value, between (0 to 180), controls the threshold for this tool to work on adjacent triangles. With a threshold of 0.0, it will only join adjacent triangles that form a perfect rectangle (i.e. right-angled triangles sharing their hypotenuses). Larger values are required for triangles with a shared edge that is small, relative to the size of the other edges of the triangles.

The setting "Face Angle" obviously means the angle between the face normals.

  • fabianm replied

    I wanted to know this as well and since I couldn't find more info than you did I examined the code itself. Blender Github file

    You are correct that the "Face Angle" parameter is compared with the dot product of the normal vectors of the two triangles (the angle between them).

    if (delimit_data->do_angle_face) {
        if (dot_v3v3(f_a->no, f_b->no) < delimit_data->angle_face__cos) {
            goto fail;


    The "Angle Shape" parameter means, that two triangles are only merged into a quad if 

    |interior_angle - 90°| <= shape_angle

    holds true for all 4 interior angles of the resulting quad.
    The value is basically a measure for how much the resulting quad can differ from a rectangle.
    (As the docs say: With a shape angle of 0°, only triangles are merged that form a rectangle)

    This is the code (The condition is the inverse of the above because it's written as a fail condition):

    if (
    (fabsf(angle_normalized_v3v3(edge_vecs[0], edge_vecs[1]) - (float)M_PI_2) > delimit_data->angle_shape) ||
    (fabsf(angle_normalized_v3v3(edge_vecs[1], edge_vecs[2]) - (float)M_PI_2) > delimit_data->angle_shape) ||
    (fabsf(angle_normalized_v3v3(edge_vecs[2], edge_vecs[3]) - (float)M_PI_2) > delimit_data->angle_shape) ||
    (fabsf(angle_normalized_v3v3(edge_vecs[3], edge_vecs[0]) - (float)M_PI_2) > delimit_data->angle_shape))
              goto fail;

    Two more pictures to illustrate this:

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Thanks ffabianm for digging into this. That's a very clear explanantion!

  • Ingmar Franz(duerer) replied

    Thank you very much, ffabianm , for this profound explanation! Excellent👍🏆!