Open Cell Foam Procedural Texture

New to the forum, so hello guys!! 

Also somewhat new to Blender and I've been tasked with creating a procedural texture for something called reticulated foam.

So far, it's not going great so I thought I would turn to you lovely lot and seek wisdom.

Any advice or pointers would be really handy.

The picture is what I'm trying to replicate.


  • spikeyxxx replied

    Maybe something in this direction (like Hans Chiu did for Nodevember):

    Play with the settings and colors and make changes to your needs, but this would render something like so:

    I used the Volume Scatter Node to try and create some fake glossiness.

    Wouldn't know how to do this with a Surface Shader, maybe calculate the thickness of the Object (distance between front and backfacing faces, or so) and add transparency according to the thickness?

  • lightson1 replied

    Thanks for the reply! That's not bad, excited to give that a go later on thank you for the advice :)