using viewer node

Hello guys,

is the way to use the viewer node still the same in 2.83?

i tryed ctrl shift left mouse button but it seems to not work.

or did i miss some setting somewhere ?

hope someone can help me out :)

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Still works the same in any version.

    Make sure you actually have the Node Wrangler addon enabled...

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    seems i did not enabled the node wrangler in 2.8...
    Thank you spikeyxxx 

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Yes, every Blender version has its own User Preferences file, so, you can have different addons enabled in different versions...

    When upgrading to a newer version, the first time you open Blender, there is an option in the Splash Screen to use the Preferences from an earlier version, but that is easy to miss and you only get one chance;)

    If you have made a lot of changes in your Preferences, you can also copy the userpref.blend file from 2.82 to 2.83...

    you just have to know where to find it...Here is the layout for the different operating systems: