Timelapse is difficult to follow

posted to: Modeling the Bridge

I think the timelapse is hard to follow. In some cases you do some stuff off screen. Also there is no explanation for why you are making certain choices. I think for a beginner, it's usefull to see someone else repeatedly do something for the right reasons.

Maybe you can add some explanation to the video itself? Annotations for example?

  • Kent Trammell replied

    I'm sorry to hear you had difficulty following along with the timelapse. If you could point me to a specific part of the video I can provide some commentary. You can copy + paste a timestamped link with the clock button in the player controls:

  • murpheltjes replied

    I'm not saying it's impossible :) but in my opinion it could be made easier. 

    At this point you start removing faces, but part of the video is cut out. So part of the modeling is done offscreen. 

    https://cgcookie.com/lesson/modeling-the-bridge?wtime=559  (here you are removing faces)

    https://cgcookie.com/lesson/modeling-the-bridge?wtime=566 (here you suddenly have added some faces back in.)

    Anyway thank you for your help. These courses are fun and useful. 

  • Kent Trammell replied

    That is an odd cut isn't it...I can't remember why I cut out the face deletion but it appears to be this selection specifically:

    I agree though, this could have been edited better. Sorry for the confusion!