In Active Tools in the Toolbar, you 'switch to edit mode' when using the lasso select tool. How?

You selected edit mode but I didn't see the cursor point to a menu or see any hotkey combo. As a relative novice coming back to CGCookie and more used to 2.79, it would really help to know things like this form the beginning.


  • shanr replied

    He pressed Tab in order to switch to Edit Mode

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Like shanr said.

    (Should be familiar, because that was already the hotkey in 2.79...)

    If you press CTRL+TAB you get a pie menu like this:

  • Trevor Simpson(biohazard2015) replied

    My thanks both of you. Also realised the mode list is now at the top left too.

    Feels like a very steep re-learning curve at the moment so your help is appreciated.

  • Shawn Blanch(blanchsb) replied

    The cookie community is here to help when we can.