Really impressed with how this has turned out, I've not gone for a perfect look here, i chose not to smooth many of the vertices, more for a more natural look, but this has been a great experience, following along, learning the workflow, importance of loops etc. Soon i'll be adding some hair. I also chose to colour the eyes, as it looked very unnatural without any colour
eyes are spooky when they're not colored and such...
also included in this is, no eyelids or lids wide open...
something to think about...
hope this helps
Hey nice work, that's a great result!
One tip about eyes in general - they usually look best when partially covered by either the top or bottom lid. Having so much white space around makes them spooky.
Here's a quick cut and paste of what happens if you scale them up and shift them up slightly:
I think I accidentally made the pupils different sizes or something as it's a bit off, but hopefully that helps 😄
Keep up the good work!