I resubmitted this model.
Hi. It's the same file - I reuploaded it. I sent it up because I saw that I failed, although I was hoping it was because the file timed out before being graded. However, if it is a true fail, let me know and I will try to do better. Here is the link. https://skfb.ly/6Rvz7
Thanks for a great course!
-Joe D
Hi Joe, I'm glad you liked the course! I meant to ask for the link to the exercise page here on cgcookie.com (not the sketchfab link). Like this one for example. I browsed through the submissions and didn't find yours.
On a slightly more awkward note...your sketchfab model looks exactly like the one I sculpted for the course:
Did you accidentally upload the sculpt from the course source files?
Well, it seems like I did upload the wrong file! I knew it was looking pretty good...(I feel very stupid about this, but that means that your sculpture failed!)
Here is the sketchfab link to the correct sculpt...https://skfb.ly/6Rvz7 and here is the link to the submission on CGCookie...
The model in the submission looks right this time - and a handsome fella he is!
Thanks for your help in all of this!
-Joe D
but that means that your sculpture failed!
LOL good point! Our new exercise system is time-based and if there's not enough grades in the allotted time then it fails. So it's most likely that yours failed based on time. We're still discussing if this approach is best or not..
I just reset your exercise and graded it! Sorry for the confusion.Thanks for the great feedback! I resubmitted after fattening up my shark and sanding him down. Let me know if I'm on the right track or not!
-Joe D