Render problems

Frame 70

Frame 121

In my viewport is all ok. Also, I noticed that this kind of things do not happen when I remove the plane

Any ideas?


  • shanr replied

    Ok this make me confused this shouldn't look like this

  • Fabio Tessitore(fabioztessitore) replied

    Update: the problem is not the plane, but the smoke emitter. If I disable the render of the smoke, it works

  • shanr replied

    huh this must be a glitch. try this 

  • Fabio Tessitore(fabioztessitore) replied

    Update: the number of particles is too big, with less particle it works

  • shanr replied

    (the number of particles is too big, with less particle it works) 

    Well I think this should be not a thing but it is.

    How many particles does it need in order to work ?

    maybe your computer rendering system is not very good

  • shanr replied

    ops the bullet was a mistake

  • Fabio Tessitore(fabioztessitore) replied

    My computer has an i7-8750H, 16G RAM, NVIDIA GTX 1050 4G

    With 5000 particles works. With 7000 breaks. Same result with more than one emitter, the total must be not greater than 5000

  • Fabio Tessitore(fabioztessitore) replied

    Update: Disabling Motion Blur (Render Properties -> Motion Blur) I'am able to render 3 smoke emitter with 5000 particle each

  • shanr replied

    Can you send me the  blend file

  • Fabio Tessitore(fabioztessitore) replied

    Google Drive link

    see frame 188

    and thanks!

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Hey Fabio, can you see if this works for you (it renders fine now on my pc...):

  • Fabio Tessitore(fabioztessitore) replied

    Hi, it works. Please, tell me what have you changed

  • spikeyxxx replied

    O.k., first of all, you didn't do anything wrong, it's a bug. I think it has already been reported (at least an other bug that is probably the same issue). I don't know what is causing it, but I'm guessing that somewhere in the calculations of the Motion Blur, there is a division by the size or scale of the objects in the scene. When there are objects with size 0, that yields infinity and computers don't like that and start misbehaving;)

    You used a Colorramp in the Texture to control the Size of the Particles. The Colorramp had a black flag, and black means 0.

    Being a genius, I changed the Value of the black color from 0 to 0.0001.

    That is all! No more dividing by 0 and therefor no more infinity! Computer happy, we happy.

    Took me quite some time to figure it out though, so maybe I'm not that much of a genius after all...:(

  • Fabio Tessitore(fabioztessitore) replied

    OK, thank you very much. I'll never use zeros :-)

  • John-Michael Allison(jmallisononline) replied

    This was driving me crazy for ages too, I looked all over for possible answers, and bug reports, (motion blur seems to be causing many people issues! 😅) but your solution worked a treat! Thank you so much!