Household items, bottles, pots and pans, books etc

Hello all.

Could anyone please recommend a class on building household items such as bottles, pots and pans, cups, books, etc?

I am especially interested in making books to start.

  • Shawn Blanch(blanchsb) replied

    While this is not a direct answer

    I would say the mesh modeling bootcamp will help you learn how to model pretty much any shape. Then you can focus on the objects you want to model.

    books are good objects making use of rectangles like a “cube” primitive. You could add a cube and shape it into a rectangle book shape

    bottles and pots make use of the“cylinder” primitive or the “circle” plane  and do similar style.

    there is a course somewhere on modeling a cup.

    Just do a search and you should find it digitalseed 

  • digitalseed replied

    Many thanks. Boot camp is on my list as next class :)

    I did create a book myself in the end :)