Dont see particles when adding to emitter (low poly rocket course)


Hello all.

I am doing the "Low poly Rocket" course.

I just started the section where you add a particle emitter at the base of the rocket.

When I press + (add particle system slot) I don't see any change whereas in the tutorial a bunch of small spheres appears below the emitter. See image.

  • crispi1962 replied

    See previous reply, hope it's just that : beginners hairpulling what-the-****-is-wrong  situations :)

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Excellent observation ccrispi1962 !

    Not sure if that is the only thing, but you're right: the plane is set to emit 1000 particles in 200 frames, starting from frame 1. So on frame 0 no particles will have been emitted yet. And indeed, we can see all zero particles (meaning none).

    On frame 1 there will be 5 particles, on frame two, 5 new ones will be emitted, and so on.

    As their lifetime is set to 50 frames, there will never be more than 250 particles in the scene.

  • crispi1962 replied

    Hi :)

    That is interesting and good math :) 

    Just checked it out : set amount to 10 particles and 200 frames and zoomed in on the timeline so could easely move frame per frame. And indeed, a particle appears every 20 frames, and disappears after 50 frames of livespan so at any moment only 2 or 3 particles are in the scene. That's probably why he upped the number to 5000 in the course, so we could have a more dense smoke trail.



  • digitalseed replied

    So many thanks. This was indeed the problem :)