Bevel not working right

At about the 16min mark. Trying to bevel where the cube.002 and cube 001 meet. When go into edit more and select a, it grabs both so when I bevel it, it goes in and doesn't curve right.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Can you post before and after screenshots of what the bevel is doing to your mesh? Or better yet a GIF of the issue. I don't quite understand what's happening..

  • sprinklelicious replied

    Yeah I will in a few, Pretty much when I hit Ctrl b to bevel, it's doing the edges, but making them sharp and not round like in your video. So if I were to bevel and click off, my corners are pointy. Give me a little bit and I'll send a screenshot.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    ssprinklelicious Ok that sounds like Profile setting in the bevel options is set to 1.0 and not 0.5 (default).

  • product346 replied

    Here's a picture. 

  • Kent Trammell replied

    pproduct346 What in tarnation...Can you provide a download link to your .blend file so I can take a closer look? The best way to do this is by uploading to dropbox, google drive, or equivalent file hosting service and copy + pasting a link.

  • product346 replied
  • product346 replied

    I really don't want to have to restart but I will if need be. Was going to last night but thought I should try for help first.

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Hi product346!

    I can't see your .blend (access denied), but from your Screenshot i'd say that your Normals are not consistent.

    A bevel (with one segment) is created by making a plane, perpendicular to the Normal. An Edge bevel makes it perpendicular to the Edge's Normal. An Edge Normal is calculated as the 'middle' (angle-wise) of the Normals of the two adjacent Faces.

    Here is what I think happened in your case:

    There are three very important shortcuts, that you should use all the time:

    SHIFT+N to recalculate your Normals (in Edit Mode with everything selected).

    ALT+M > Merge by Distance (to remove double vertices).

    And last but not least: CTRL+S to save your file!

  • sprinklelicious replied

    I will try and re upload it when I get home. I'll try what you said first though. Worst case I'll restart. Could use the experience being it's been a while since I've done this.

  • spikeyxxx replied

    BTW. here's another thing that can happen when your Normals are messed up (that's why this is called abnormal behavior..).

  • spikeyxxx replied

    You didn't only have messed up Normals, but also double vertices:

    Look at the number of Verts (bottom right). That should be16 (4 at each corner, it is only one 'Cube').

    Select all and ALT+M, this will remove 40 Vertices and leave you with this:

    Now use SHIFT+N to recalcluate the Normals (because they are not all blue) and you're good to go. Bevel away:

  • sprinklelicious replied

    When I do alt m it just deletes them

  • sprinklelicious replied

    Nevermind, got it. Thank you so much for the help.

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Make sure you use ALT+M > Merge By Distance: