Blender Basic Models


CarAs You've said in your part 3 of Blender 2.8 basics, to model car,  plane,  snowman,  plaSnow mannet,  person and camera.  I've did them just using primitives, but I didn't even used edit mode, modifiers, or nPersono such things, just Shift+A, G, S, and R and then little bit of materials. I used 2.79b, don't ask me why I'm not usiCameraPlaneng 2.8 coz my laptop doesn't have openGL 3.3 support😕😭. Anyways I didn't even used Cycles, just Blender internal rendering engine. One thing was that I always tried to say that "I'm an Intermediate in blender"... without doing nothing... But today when I did these models, I'm getting  great spirit and motivation within me... Thank you so much for giving me this Challenge...

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Nice work, looks like you're off to a good start!

  • nanda-kumar replied

    Thank You so much... ❤