Shadow detail of the chest seems lacking

posted to: Adding the BG


Great video. Thanks for great content. But how come there is no shadow to the chest in this scene ?

Thanks and all the best,


  • Wayne Dixon replied

    I think that is one of the limitations of EEVEE, but you'd have to ask @theluthier

    He knows about lights and stuff.

    I just stole his scene.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    iireshef Eevee is fairly capable when it comes to it should be casting in this scene. Could you provide a download link to your .blend file (via drobox, google drive, or equivalent hosting service) for me to take a closer look?

  • Ido Reshef(ireshef) replied


    I actually just watched the lesson. I will send you the .blend file in the following days though @waylow should have the original.

    Thanks and all the best,


  • Kent Trammell replied

    In reviewing the source file, I could have done a better job equalizing light source energies. In the GIF below I do a few things to improve it:

    1. Turn the World energy to 0 to show that there are shadows being cast from the sun.
    2. Increase the Sun intensity 10x
    3. Set world strength to 0.5 (half of original.
    4. Finally disable shadow casting for the black dome (which is meant to approximate the out-of-camera forest)

  • Wayne Dixon replied

    You the man @theluthier!