Camera Woes...

I somehow set my local camera to one of my objects. Even though I don't have this setting enabled, I think it is affecting my ability to use the camera. In the Rendering and Presentations treasure chest video, when I follow the instructions to add a camera and then click the numberpad 0, then N and lock camera to view. When I navigate out of the chest, it moves my object away. 

Also, my view looks different, it has a very small red frame around it and doesn't look like it normally does.

Any ideas? I am sooo close to finishing this tutorial! I can't give up now!!! lol

Camera settings:

Camera view:

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Hi iishegeek,

    it looks like you accidentally pressed CTRL+ B to activate Render Region. This will only render what is inside of the red rectangle (for faster renders, especially useful when using Cycles).

    You can get rid of that in the Properties Panel:

    or by zooming out, so you can see the Camera outline and CTRL + B around that.

  • ishegeek replied

    Thanks for replying spikeyxxx . I still couldn't figure it out. Oh well. I have spent about 30+ hours on the treasure chest and have completed it up to the point of making a nice picture of it. I am going to move on and come back to this when I get more familiar with the camera settings. I'm sure its something super simple I am missing. :-) Such a noob I am.