Help us with a project about CG Cookie

Hi guys,
I am a student of Digital Concept Development in Denmark. As a part of our last semester, we have to make a project focusing on a real company. Since I love 3D modeling and I learned most of what I know here at CG Cookie, I thought it would be great to choose it as a focus of the project.

I am working on the project together with my classmate Ilina, and we want to design some improvements to the website, specifically ones that will improve the feedback that the users get from others. We got in touch with Wes Burke and it turns out they are working on some related improvements at the moment as well.

In order to design anything, we first need to learn how you, the users feel about CG Cookie right now. It would help us a lot if you could answer couple of questions. It will only take a couple of minutes. You can answer here:

Whatever we come up with during this project, we will share with the CG Cookie team. So the more of you answer, the more our project can be helpful to this website. And who knows, maybe they will like our ideas and use some of them to improve CG Cookie...

Thank you in advance

  • Phil Osterbauer(phoenix4690) replied

    This was something additional I wanted to comment on after taking the survey.

    I don't know what the plans are for this; but if its in the scope of web tools for feedback there are a few sites I've had some experience with that I think have done some nice work. To implement something like this into CGC might be a tall order but it would be pretty cool.

    Take a look at:  (scroll down to the button that says "Review Tools Overview" and watch the video.)

    And to avoid people trolling and drawing inappropriately on someones artwork a permissions function could be added; CGC Crew Only, Friends Only, Public, None.

    Good luck you guys.

  • Tomas Plasil(tomasplasil) replied

    Thanks a lot :) I didnt know about these. It would be pretty ambitious to implement this to CG Cookie, but they seem like a really cool concept