Can i use Blender 2.8 for all 2.7 courses?


Self explanatory.     :P

  • panboy replied

    You can, but there will me times when shortcuts are changed for features renamed and moved to different menus that might cause momentary confusion.

    the biggest change between blender 2,7 and 2.8 is the dropping of the blender internal engine, its been replaced with Eevee, and eevee settings mostly work between eevee and cycles. so anything based on blender internal will be irrelevant

  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Hi Dragonice.

    Like panboy said - yes you can.  There will be a bit of differences here and there, mostly in the location of buttons and settings. Not a lot of the workflow has changed in older versions but if you get stuck on anything make sure you ask for help and we can point you in the right direction.

    If you are already familiar with 2.7 or previous versions of Blender, then this course full of the changes in 2.8 should help you figure out most of the differences in the 2.7 content.

  • Piotr Brzostyński(brzostek) replied

    You can even watch much older courses, which still provide a ton of useful tips and techniques. Watch them when you get comfortable in using 2.8, they're really worth it. They're currently on CGCookie YouTube channel, here's the playlist: