I listen to music while blending, but it isn't multitasking because I don't have to think hard to listen to the music. (Multitasking is actually impossible due to how the human brain works.)
but william, are you any good? Maybe we should consider focusing, a cousin of mine gawked at the idea of listening to music while studying.
I admit I have used Blender a lot less recently, but it had nothing to do with music. In fact, music actually helps me focus more. When I listen to music, everything else disappears and I am left to myself in my own world. Often I wish real life had background music that fit the mood of the situation.
Sometimes i also play music while doing the more repetitive work. But mostly is too much of a distraction. Thinking about modelling strategies and/or how i would want to shape the model, while nice/relaxing music is played, is not really a brilliant combo.