Problem with single blurry frame?

My animation is almost perfect, except for one frame that has a kind of Gaussian glow:

Here are the stills:

Frame 31 is crisp

Frame 32 is blurry

When I turn off motion blur, the glow goes away, but I still want my animation to have motion blur. I don't see anything that would make that one frame different from the others (the camera doesn't move any faster, for example). How can I prevent this problem? Thank you!

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Hi aubrie - Are you using Eevee or Cycles?

  • Aubrie Lee(aubrie) replied

    Hi Kent! I'm using Cycles (as Grant recommends since the smoke texture doesn't show up in Eevee). Thank you for your reply!

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Hmm..I'm not sure what could be causing this. Could you provide a download link to your .blend file so I can take a closer look? Best way to do this is by uploading to Dropbox, Google Drive, or equivalent service and copying + pasting the share link here.

  • Aubrie Lee(aubrie) replied

    Does this link work? Thanks, Kent!

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Sorry for the late replies. For some reason I'm not being notified about your responses.

    Thanks for supplying your .blend file! After troubleshooting the scene I was able to fix the bizarre blur on frame 32 by changing the Position parameter (in Cycles render settings) from "center on frame" to "start on frame".

  • Aubrie Lee(aubrie) replied

    No worries about the late replies, and thank you so much for that solution! It worked perfectly! :)