It's impossible to align the top & bottom view images without them being in the way of the model or each other, since you now have to use images as objects in the scene. In previous versions you could assign certain images to only appear in certain viewpoints, but that's no longer available in 2.8, which is a shame, and I have no idea why that handy feature was removed. Are there any workarounds or do I just have to settle for lowering the opacity of the obscuring image plane (and disabling the top or bottom image while working on either from the top or bottom view)?
You can still see both top and bottom images at the same time when viewing from either Top or Bottom View. This is a problem if you have transparent images.
|The only thing you can't do now is to only show it in Camera View, as far as I know...
Just found how to do this:
With your Camera selected, in the Properties, there is a Background Images checkbox: