SOLVED: Bevel blew up my UV map

I slightly beveled the furthest arch in the picture and my UV map exploded. I have no idea what I have done wrong.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Would you mind sharing how you solved this? (In case anyone else has the same issue)

  • Ang Deaver(shegeek) replied

    I had to clean my mesh by merging by distance..

    I flipped my normals while I was there at the same time and came back and it was all fine.

  • onelombax replied

    Thanks a lot, for anyone who has the following issue :

    You baked you curved meshes and end up with weird UVs.

    Select all the mesh in Edit Mode > Merge By Distance (basically you want to remove the bevel you added when doing the vertex painting) and bake again, it fixed the issue for me :)