I cannot use Ctrl + R to add edge loop in cone, plz help
Hi hellosudeepsingh , no, a Cone consists of triangles, you cannot make an edge loop through CTRL-R.
What you can do, is to go into front orthographic view (if the cone isn't rotated..) and use the Knife tool:
Press K (knifecut) C (constrain the cut to an axis) Z (cut 'through the mesh') and make a straight horizontal cut.
If you are using 2.80, you can also use the Bisect Tool:
If that's not completely horizontal, you can select the 'cut' and press S Z 0.
In both cases, you can use G G to slide the 'loop cut' up and down.
hellosudeepsingh , you're welcome, Jonathan Williamson's way is probably easier;)
To bevel a vertex, select the vertex and press SHIFT CTRL B.
You will however lose the point of the cone that way....