man raises a feminist fist

So I’m developing some characters for a clip on gender inequality. Doing this, I took this model and tried to cover it with feminist symboles. While the end result make me smile and was fun to make, it also show me which direction to avoid… It is far fetched from the context of today’s texture of inequality issues (i.e. too stereotype, e) . Another trial, back to exploring a new look…

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Now there's a man with two left hands;)

  • donbonbon replied


    I didn't want to rotate the forearm on Z-180, it felt like hiding... Yet, as you noted... I came to accept my leftist side and live in peace with my limited nature;)

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel) replied

    donbonbon Dude your user name is hilarious, donbonbon. Where I'm from it means Mister Good Looking.