BC1-1908 Homework - Splat21


Having recently completed the Learning Flow "Introduction to Blender," this class is especially welcomed with the release of 2.80.  While Blender is not yet second-nature to me, the Treasure Chest course includes lots of helpful workflow practices to (hopefully) help me adopt good habits.  Made some mistakes along the way, but how else can you learn?  This project has been fun!  

And, any pirate-carpenter that would have made such a chest without straight edges (highlighting the theme of imperfections) had to have been raiding the ship's rum provisions.  Having said that, I am confident that this chest will survive quite well buried in sand for a few decades.  No doubt, a testament to Kent's design.  Kent Trammell - thank you for the course!

Homework Submission Week 1

No embellishments (i.e., time constraint), just a product of the course.

Can't wait to paint this puppy!

Cheers - Splat

  • silentheart00 replied

    Hi splat, I've seen you poking around.  That's some really good effort on the chest.  Some things to consider in the future:

    The metal bars could use some more obvious wear and tear on them to match the wear on the wood.  It also helps to break up the perfect CG look.  You might just ran out of time, but something to note for future projects.

    Overall, good effort.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    splat21 Splat! Glad to have you in the class. Excellent job with the treasure chest. Truly authentic to the one from the course. Nice work!

    Silent makes a good observation about the vertical metal bars/brackets. The damage is slightly less noticeable there, especially compared to the horizontal rim pieces. It's fairly nit-picky, but something worth pointing out.

    The only other suggestion I have is to "unstraighted" the shape overall. In the last video I opted to add a lattice modifier to eliminate the over-abundance of straight edges in the treasure chest. It should really hammer home the fun-loving lo-poly style.

    Overall these are small notes and you certainly earned an A this week. I look forward to seeing this textured and shaded!

  • splat21 replied

    silentheart00 thank you for your feedback, which I have implemented.  

    Kent Trammell Thanks also for your input.  Regarding the Lattice Modifier, I will hold off on that for now.  Below is the UV map for the chest.  Regrettably, I have a busy August planned and will miss the next two classes.  Consequentially, Homework #2 will be late.  However, I am both anxious and committed to finish this treasure chest - it just may not be as quickly as I would like.

  • silentheart00 replied

    splat21 So sorry for the late reply; my week has been crazy busy.  The chest bars look like they fit the rest a little better.  The unwrap looks pretty good, but it's curious to see some of the stretching cutting diagonally.  I wonder if maybe you have extra verts on top of each other.  You can try merging them to help get rid of them by going into Edit mode->selecting all->Alt+M->and merge by distance.  You can test if it worked by clicking on the vert and moving it.

  • splat21 replied

    silentheart00 - Thank you for your comments.  I did check, and there were not any duplicate/extra verts.

  • splat21 replied

    Homework Submission Week 2

    Sorry for the delay in submission - Summer Holiday Getaway.

  • splat21 replied

    Homework Submission Week 3

    Final class submission.

    Following the class and the treasure chest course was a great learning experience.  I'd love to see more such classes!  This has been a fun project.



  • Kent Trammell replied

    splat21 You finished strong, Splat! Overall you've achieved a distinct aesthetic in your render. I think it's partly to do with the edge highligting prominence and how it's being used to concentrate reflections on the edges. Looks great!

    I don't really have any criticisms...it's an easy A from me 👍

    PS: Love the splat logo.