sharing progress to linkedin

I would like to have some way to show progress on finished  flows or courses to linkedin. since cgcookie doesn't work with certificates I like to have some way of showing what I'm up to at the moment

  • Adam Bowkett(ads) replied

    In my opinion cirtificates mean diddly squat.  I could pay for linked in learning and just leave the courses running on my second monitor and hey presto a certifcate.

    College was the same, I gave it my all, I put relationships on hold and had my head burried in books and a calculator for years. Others hardly bothered and tutors spoon fed them the answers. I felt cheated and it completely devaluved all the hard work I did. If I know this, then employers know this. Colleges and Uni's are guilty of this to beef up their pass rate, thus attracting more business.

    The answer is in your work, the year is 2019 and you can post your work and blog about it. I have found that people take more notice if you teach them something. Nobody cares if you have followed a tutorial, people want to see what you can do with what you have learned from that tutorial.

    Many don't understand what it takes, show them your journey.

    Most importantly, show how much fun you are having.

    You are an artist, we don't write cirtificates, we draw them.

    Your progress is in your work.

    Take care, enjoy your day.



  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied

    We don't offer anything that ties into LinkedIn. While certificates may look good, it's very difficult to really gauge their worth when it comes to this kind of stuff. A portfolio will be a better way to display what you've worked on and your general experience level. While I do recommend posting your work to various sites, include CGCookie, having your own site specifically for your work will make you stand out. It's like an online business card. You can then linked that in your LinkedIn profile for people to check out. You won't be limited by what LinkedIn allows you to post.