Blender 2.8 switch-over / training


Hey all :) 

Some of you may remember me from a couple of years ago, those of you who do not , allow me to introduce myself - I am Matthew Fricker , a Blender enthusiast from Scotland. 

To cut a long story short (full version on the  most recent post on my polybook here :  - scroll to the bottom ) I had to take a long hiatus from Blender because my Wife and I had twins :) 

Anyways, I am getting time to get myself back into Blender now , but back when I was using it regularly , I was using 2.78 and now it seems that 2.8 has burst onto the scene and seems to be lot different to the Blender I am used to. 

I want to jump straight into 2.8 , and I see that CG Cookie has started doing all their recent lessons using it, but  I cant see any lessons that focus on that initial transition , showing the differences and explaining how the new interface works etc . I have so many questions such as "can I still transfer my addons to the new Blender build like you used to , or is 2.8 so radically different that you have to start over?" - I have purchased many addons such as Retopoflow , and it was always easy to bring them to a new build with you. 

Really , I am just looking for a decent resource that can show me the new Blender and help me transition to it as I am going to have a hard enough time as it is remembering all  I knew 2 years ago and I am keen to get back into my projects that have been gathering dust..... 


  • smurfmier1985 replied

    Hi! The official 2.8 release is around the corner (end of July) and CG Cookie will then release new beginner courses with 2.8 and all its new goodnesses. Additionally, in August there will be a class get started building stuff with 2.8 which might be a great jumpstart for you 😊

    As for now, 2.79 is still the official build so there’s nothing wrong with getting back into Blender using that, and just waiting with diving into 2.8 for a couple of weeks until all the new resources are released.

  • Matthew Fricker(frikkr) replied

    ssmurfmier1985  brilliant thanks, that sounds like a good idea. 

  • silentheart00 replied

    frikkr For your plugins questions, it is the responsibility of the plugin creators to update them, but last I heard for Retopoflow, they were updating it to 2.8's API.  It looks like 2.8 is stable enough for plugins to be supported again.

  • Matthew Fricker(frikkr) replied

    silentheart00 Thanks :) I will give it a try once 2.8 is officially released.