Getting an array to follow a circular curve (wheel excercise)

Hey all,

I've been working on modelling a wheel for arrays excercise and ran into an issue with getting my tyre to follow a circular path. 

I've created a tyre segment, mirrored it; then created a Curve->Circle, adjusted it to a shape that I want my tyre in, applied all transformations; selected "Fit to curve" in array options. Then, when I pick the curve in Curve modifier, everything get distorted for some reason. I've attached the .blend file for checking. 

Would appreciate any help!
  • spikeyxxx replied

    Hello raijkeraijke, I can explain the strange distortions you get; these are caused, because for some reason, your curve ('tyre') itself is distorted (select the curve and go into edit mode and you can see that). So there''s an easy solution: delete your curve and add a new one. Update it in your modifiers of your 'Cylinder' and it works as expected, at least without the crazy distortions...

    But it probably doesn't give you the desired result.  If you can get it to work, then I would be happy if you could share, how you did that!

    I couldn't and used another method for the tire; there is a tutorial by Chris Plush on modeling a car tire and he uses a simple deform modifier to bend it around.

  • spikeyxxx replied
    Oh and by the way, do me a favour and please remove those ugly inner faces from your tire segment;)

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Well, I've figured it out: the curve modifier also curves your mesh, so you'll have to make sure your tire segment looks 'square-ish' from front view, if that makes any sense. Then it works like a charm!

  • rjk337 replied


    Hey, thanks for help, but I don't really get what you mean by "squareish".

    Anyway, I managed to get my tyre piece to follow the curve, but it still looks very bad and clips with itself. I guess I'll just follow the video you shared, but anyway, if you could upload my blend file with your fix, so that I can check how it's done, that'd be great.

  • spikeyxxx replied

    @raijkeraijke Yes, you're right, that was a bit vague, to call it square-ish...What I meant, was, that from front view, the 'lines' should be horizontal and vertical, so the section is not tapered. So you need to select each straight 'line' and scale it along the X or Z axis to make it vertical or horizontal.

    This still sounds like a horrible explanation, but sometimes it can be hard to explain something just in text;)

    Anyway, I made your tire segment non-tapered and corrected the Bezier Circle, but you have some work left to do, for one, the tire is way to broad now....

    But here's the file: