Hello there.
I'm back to learning after a few weeks off of Blender.
I'm currently following the modelling a gun lesson, and I decided that for each learning flow I would go through from now on, I will, once completed, try to use what I learned to make my own model.
In that regard, I'm currently looking for a good source for free nice blueprints of good size that I could use.
Any suggestions?
Hello otowa, nice to hear that you're back.
I do not work from blueprints very often, so I can't compare, but at: https://www.the-blueprints.com/ they have a lot of different ones.
You'll have to register, but most of the blueprints are for free ( apart from the Vector Drawings)
Maybe someone else knows more/better sites?
spikeyxxx Thank you it's a very nice source!
I hope to also find some of this quality with more "imaginary" objects (laser guns, spaceships).
Thank you again!