Questions and answers fix.


Hello, I just started my subscription on CG cookie and I like it very much so far! However I would just like to suggest that you fix the questions and answers section(the ones below the videos) by putting an X in a corner of the window that appear after you click on a question. Right now there is only a button to add bookmark. But no way to close the window for the question.

If I'm not missing something the only way to get back to the video/list of questions on the video is by hitting "back" on the web browser, this is very slow and often I end up somewhere else so I have to go back and try to find where I was in the video, the course or the website.

Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this.

(Attached pic to show what I mean)

  • Jan-Willem van Dronkelaar(3dioot) replied


    I have experienced the same issue as ason where the modal does not close when I click outside it. Although strangely I can't seem to reproduce it right now, I know for certain I've run into it.

    With regards to the answers not showing directly, I personally find that incredibly annoying. I may well have an issue that is answered already so i pick the question that is close/similar to mine that has one or more answers only to get a useless modal which restates the original question and makes me click again to see the actual answer I wanted. I go WTF each and every time I open that thing.

    It would make me very happy if answers were shown straight away and I am pretty certain I am not alone in that. 

  • ason10 replied

    For some reason it works for me now, which is great!


  • Jan-Willem van Dronkelaar(3dioot) replied


    Maybe he sneakily fixed it without telling us. ^_^ I know for certain I experienced the same issue you had where it did not closed the modal when you clicked outside it.


  • ason10 replied

    yeah it seems to be a bug,  again it doesn't work for me :(

  • d
    Dennis Brown replied

    Thanks everyone for the feedback. and welcome aason10 ! 🎉

    The current functionality is to click off to the side to close the question modal (pop-up). Of course a few users have run into the issue where they were unable to close it, and we found this can be caused by an image overlapping the element keeping the user from clicking off to the side. Since then we have written a fix for this issue, which should be in our next update. 

    Unfortunately we were only able to find a few instances of this happening, so feel free to let us know if you run into this again, giving us a link to the lesson, and the name of the question that is giving you issue. It is more than appreciated!  🍪

    As for the question navigation, you are not alone! We do have an update coming up where answers will be opened in a new tab to help reduce this confusion, at least until this area can receive some more ❤️.