My First Facial Retopology Finished with Retopoflow 2.0. Can you review?


Can you review my retopology which I've done with Blender's add on the plugin by CG Cookie: Retopoflow 2.0

I think it's a great tool.  I wish this model of the face was suited to animation in Blender.  Can you point some mistakes or which things should I correct? I will appreciate all the feedback.

Thank you!

  • cm87 replied

    Better than anything I could make. Organic topology tends to elude me, but I'm impressed with the topology here.

  • John Sanderson(procyonlotor) replied

    aallworknoplay Definitely not bad for your first go.  You got several of the important loops (around the eyes, the mouth, the face), but here are a few suggestions.  The face count is probably higher than it needs to be.  It's not too high to animate by any means, but keeping things as simple as possible for as long as possible will help tremendously when modelling.  I would recommend googling face topology and get some examples of where the important loops are and where the poles are placed.  The loop that circumscribes the nose and mouth is an important one.  You will also commonly see the "raccoon mask" that circumscribes both eyes.  When you retopo, do the important loops first, then fill in the rest.  You have a couple of poles that are not optimally placed as well.  The six pole right in the middle of the forehead needs to be edited (try to never have any pole where more than five edges come together).  The poles in the cheek there would also likely cause some deformation problems.  Most of the time that five pole goes right at the tip of of the cheek bone.

    Keep up the good work.  It gets easier with practice, like everything else.

  • Mark Smith(me1958424) replied

    to add a piece of info to the excellent crit John gave,

    there are two kinds of poles that are useful beyond the already used 4 sided pole...

    these are the 3 sided (nose pole) and the 5 sided (extrusion pole) 

    they are both necessary (and work with each other)... 

    all others are to be avoided for the sake of deformation...

  • Jake Wis(allworknoplay) replied

    Thank you very much for your valuable feedback especially John Sanderson.

    Here is this same model with corrected retopology.

    I would like to know what you think.

    Thank you!

  • malhomsi replied

    aallworknoplay hello there , it s a good retopo ! a lot better u have the main loops , most poles r in the good place ! keep the good work

  • Mark Smith(me1958424) replied

    aallworknoplay yes, very much the right way to go!!