BC4-1810 Homework, Omar Domenech


Hello there. These are my homework's for the first week. 

Link for the Toy Truck Submission:


And then there's the bedroom which I tried to get all crazy and experimental. 

Link for the Bedroom:


  • John Sanderson(procyonlotor) replied

    dostovel It's hard for me to see where your dissatisfaction is, or what quality it is that you are going for that you don't have.  These look well within the vein of realism to me. They really are very good.  I don't know what renders you are comparing too, but I don't think I've seen many do better.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Omar. I'm gonna grill you on Tuesday during the stream because I gotta know what in these renders is qualifying as "cartoony".  These are beautifully rendered arch viz scenes. I love the variety and exploration of materials. You're thinking like an interior designer and that does so much for your final results.

    The only note I have is that the brick wall in the first render seems too big. I'd shrink the pattern down to 50-60% of the current scale. Beyond that I'm just enjoying these lovely renders 👏 

    It's the usual dance of an A+ getting downgraded to an A since you're reusing prior light matches 😅

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    dostovel you are way to hard on yourself, these are the kind of renders I use as inspiration, hoping I can achieve this level someday. Amazing and inspiring work this week!

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel) replied

    @theluthier What does to grill mean? sounds bad. 

    Thanks for the kind words all, ssmurfmier1985  cool new photo, but it's hard to point the finger at what I feel I see. I don't know, I think it has to do with the dynamic range and textures, other interior renders have that HDRI feel, textures are more tangible, things are less clean. Also maybe lighting is less dramatic most of the time. I wanted to dig into the materials and textures of the assets I got to populate the scene, but there wasn't enough time. Now that I think about it, I forgot to desaturate colors a bit, I think that's the cartoony part I'm getting, colors might be too pastel.

    I'd say I got 80% of the way to where I'd like to get, just got to keep practicing and studying other renders and watching more tutorials.

  • Thibaut Bourbon(tbrbn) replied

    dostovel Great renders, I think I understand what you mean by your dissatisfaction. Archviz renders (the hyperrealistics ones) do have a little something in the light, somekind of almost invisible grain maybe, or the colors are just a little bit washed. I don't know either what it is, hard to put a word on it. I still haven't figured how to crack that nut either, feels like the render is 95% done. Frustrating! 

    Do you post-process the renders afterward ?  I read somewhere about Linear workflow and Gamma (see link), and long story short, a trick to get better result is to tweak the gamma of your picture (or textures individually).

    I don't know if this is outdated though. I'll give it a try.

    But again, the renders  you delivers are already superb.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    dostovel "Grill" just means I'm going to ask questions till I understand. Slang for "interrogation". I exaggerate of course ;)

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel) replied

    tbrbn Thanks Thibaut, yeah I once went deep into the gamma / linear workflow kerfuffle, I think the Filmic color space was born out of that in Blender. You're right, there's like that feel of invisible grain.  

    This guy does this thing with images in his course Learn Photo Editing and it's all about Gamma and HDRI, getting the nitty-gritty details out of every pixel to achieve that look. I believe some sort of post production like that goes on with hyper real interior renders. 

    @theluthier "Cartoony he said" "Cartoony?" "Yeah"

  • Katerina Novakova(shiennar) replied

    dostovel Omar, I wish I could have such beautiful renders to be dissatisfied with. :-) You're making it really hard for me to pick one for the reel...

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel) replied

    shiennar Well thanks Kat. 

    Whenever you don't know which way to go, leave it to fate, throw a coin in the air and pick that one, if you don't agree with fate, then you just discovered which one you wanted.   :)