BC4-1810 - Homework, Markus R


First class for me. Also first post in the Forum. I'm super excited.

Week 1 

The truck looks like something a really small child would use, so Iassumed it is made out of a more robust plastic. Like this

I tried to achieve this look with  vibrant colors and subtle SSS. 

Also:I was not sure if we are allowed to use the Principled BSDF?

I tried to get the bedroom scenes as close to the example as possible. The Daylight scene was easy but i strugled a little with the overall temperature of the night scene. I also had to increase the transparancy of the lamp shades to get a more satisfying result


Exercise: Toy Truck

Exercise: Bedroom

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    sslemgrim looks better! 😃

  • Kent Trammell replied

    sslemgrim Good stuff this week, Markus. My eye is immediately drawn to that gem-ified candy corn. Really cool shader on that. And in general your character turned out quite well. It's one of the better fully textured goblin versions of the week. An A in my book.

    And your light match is very close to the source. Only difference I see is that your highlights aren't as bright. But it's a very subtle difference. Looks like a filmic thing to me. Still it's an A from me 👍

  • Markus R(slemgrim) replied

    Light match for week 4

    The original is from Lorenzo Napoli

    The model is from S.ALTAIR

    I tried to get similar shading and lightning. I didn't find a way to get those blueish highlights on the right arm :(

  • Markus R(slemgrim) replied

    @theluthier thanks for the A!

    The gem-ified corn is just a voronoi node with a lightsource from behind. I tried to make it glow with an emission node but it looked way better with an extra lightsource

  • Markus R(slemgrim) replied

    Just finished modelling for the archviz scene. I'm aiming at some sort of traditional japanese bathroom. I'm recreating this scene from a reference image

    Now for the shading :)

  • Markus R(slemgrim) replied

    11h of shading but not nearly done. I could easily add another 5hours to finish this :(

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    sslemgrim It does look awesome though! 😃

  • Markus R(slemgrim) replied

    ssmurfmier1985 thank you!

  • Grady Pruitt(gradyp) replied

    sslemgrim Very nice, Marcus!

  • Kent Trammell replied

    sslemgrim Markus, your light match 🤩 I'm super impressed. Your render looks better than the sketchfab version! I love that you went all out on the material instead of attempting to match the lighting only. It really paid off. This is excellent work. They look like they were both rendered in the same scene. A+

    Your arch vis scene is impressive considered you built everything from scratch. I really like the clay render too. In fact I kinda prefer that one to the textured version..The biggest thing about the final version is it's noticeably blurrier than the clay render. Clay is crisp and sharp but the final gets blurry and a little hazy. At first I thought it was too much bloom but after I look closely, it seems like the camera is slightly out of focus. It's a pretty big detractor from the overall image; looks like it's hiding some lovely detail.

    Oh one more thing: When I imagine a person filling those shoes, they're way too big for the hot tub. Perhaps the shoes are a little big. Lighting looks pretty good aside from those two things. B+ 

  • Zsolt Cseh(csehz) replied

    sslemgrim Just watching through all of your renders in the month - all of them is great with style. And on Week 4 you just went higher, that bath scene is amazing 

  • Markus R(slemgrim) replied

    csehz thank you for the kind words! 

    I hope people can see that i actually spent a lot of time into week 4.  The first three weeks were quite a hassle because of my dayjob, but i managed to get some extra time for week 4.

  • Markus R(slemgrim) replied

    My new super beefy PC arrived this week. I managed to render a turntable of my last LM during the livestream :)

    Because @theluthier  asked about the shading: It basically is a combination of different levels of noise, voronoi and musgrave nodes combined with a baked  AO map and pointiness. I only used the original texture for non-color stuff.

    I also added a marble texture to get a more natural look because the noise looked to artificial,

    I can share the node setup if someone is interested.

    Edit: Looks like there's something wrong with the forums ability to display webm pictures :(

  • Kent Trammell replied

    sslemgrim Unfortunately these forums are pretty locked down right now, for security reasons. Youtube embeds should work though.

  • Markus R(slemgrim) replied

    The animation on Youtube

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    sslemgrim question? is it hard (difficult) to make a turnable ? if its not too difficult i sure would love to learn that later .

  • Markus R(slemgrim) replied

    yyukinoh1989 Nah, it's super easy and is done in a few minutes. 

    There are a lot of videos on youtube about that. Say something if you need help.

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    sslemgrim Love the turntable! 😀

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    sslemgrim Hey Markus . Thank a lot . just checked google and it indeed looks easy . might try it out in a few weeks :)

  • Markus R(slemgrim) replied