BC4-1810 Homework, Tomas Lapes


Homework Submission Week 1

Shading a Toy truck

Bedroom ( forgot to upload the day time scene.Uploading it here!)

  • Thomas Lapes(tomaslapes) replied

    I don't know why but with EEVEE I always have this washout look to everything I make.

  • Thomas Lapes(tomaslapes) replied


    Hi,even though I had a lot of school I found some time to finish this:D. It was really fun to shade this car.

  • Zsolt Cseh(csehz) replied

    ttomaslapes Tomas that is beautiful shading like that, good to read that you enjoyed, somehow it can be felt on the result

  • silentheart00 replied

    ttomaslapes A little late to the party.  The car looks pretty good.  The lighting match still feels off to me, but I'm not sure why.

  • Thomas Lapes(tomaslapes) replied

    silentheart00  Yeah I know but I can't figure out why.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    I don't know why but with EEVEE I always have this washout look to everything I make.

    ttomaslapes I know what you mean. I believe the reason is that for people who are used to Cycles and its out of the box global illumination, Eevee not having it (nor a great way to emulate it) is a confusing way to light. The first thing I do with Eevee is enable Ambient Occlusion because without it all shadows look washed out and nothing feels in proximity. That's the kind of feeling I get from your render as well. Aside from AO be sure you use Area lamps and enable contact shadows at the bottom of the area lamp's settings.

    Your car is looking great! Seems like you harnessed Eevee quite well there. Overall you've done great work this week and you get an A from me.