Free Web Resources List

I tried to pull out the list of resource sites @theluthier featured in the Sourcing Third Party Material in Your Work livestream, as well as add some others I know. I don't know if this is posted somewhere else — I couldn't find it when I looked, but I thought it might be helpful. 

Since the forum doesn't like a post full of links, however, I've pulled it out into a Google Doc you can find at

Also, if you get a Blender Cloud subscription (about $10/mo right now), you can have access to their library of textures, HDRi, and characters.

I'll try to remember to update the doc as I find new stuff.

  • Toni Asensio Bellot(atolonio) replied

    Thanks Heather,

    it's very helpful!

  • Heather Peterson(hdpeterson) replied

    atolonio You're welcome. :)

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Excellent initiative, hdpeterson! Thanks for putting the links into a convenient list. I wonder if I could embed that google doc into the description of that archived live stream 🤔

  • Heather Peterson(hdpeterson) replied

    @theluthier As far as I'm concerned you can. Maybe pin the post, too. It's free to share wherever it's most useful. :)