Has anyone had any problems using the Freehand Curve Draw Tool?  I have watched a few tutorials and tried & tried.  Some of the options do not work for me:  1) it won't draw on a surface and 2) the taper option doesn't work.  I'm working with Blender 2.79.

  • Thibaut Bourbon(tbrbn) replied

    Hi zonkerzebra  ! When doing a stroke with the grease pencil, make sure that Stroke placement is set to Surface. For the taper option issue can you elaborate ? 

  • zonkerzebra replied

    I have the Stroke placement set to Surface.  It doesn't want to work.   I want the curve to taper to a point on the end, so I am setting the End Point at 1.00.  It won't taper.  I have tried different setting in between 0 & 1.00, nothing changes.  The diameter of the end of my curve stays unaffected.

  • zonkerzebra replied

    Here's an example of what I'm talking about.  I have the Surface selected and End Taper set to 1.00.  I am trying to draw the curve onto the cube. 1st pic is side, 2nd pic is front, See what I mean?

  • Thibaut Bourbon(tbrbn) replied

    zonkerzebra I see, we were no talking about the same thing. I never use curve Stroke, if I want to achieve what you describe I use the grease pencil with the parameters mentionned above. I use also Alt+S to change the curve taper size.

  • zonkerzebra replied

    tbrbn thank you I will try that.