Ortho - Scale Z Y Uniformly?


How to scale in local axis, uniformly, *proportionally in two Axes? 
In the image I need all 4 sides to scale uniform in their local axis, not out.

Ortho view Scale - If the red square is used it scales in X (uniform towards camera)

S,S (shrink flatten) it does the same.

(*what is the correct term, please?)

My guess is, like Maya, there is a "Delete History / set transforms to 0" function I'm missing after creating objects. Notice the local transform on the mesh is different than the UI Global transform.

  • silentheart00 replied

    If I'm reading this correctly, Shift+axis to not scale in that axis, it'll scale in the other 2.  To reset the object origin, it's Ctrl+A.  Hope this helps.  Are you using a mirror modifier on that mesh?