BC1-1808 Homework, sadicus


  1. Hot Keys 
  2. Transform
  3. Add Primitives
  4. Edit Mode / Merge Verts / New EdgeFacefrom Verts / Show Normals
  5. Modifiers / SubDiv / Mirror / Apply
  6. Join Objects (Combine?)

Will be more fun after memorizing a few basic tools.

Abstract Arc: "Go to the 3D Cursor."

  • Matthew Ullrey(ullreym) replied

    sadicus Fun materials and lighting. I will have to not think of this next time I order shrimp at a restaurant. Very creepy.

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    sadicus I honestly thought this was a Cacodemon from Doom upon first glance lol. Really good work on this, I could see this being in some sci-fi horror game or something, lovely amount of creativity.

  • sadicus (sadicus) replied

    thecabbagedetective lol, thanks for the comment! Its just the head segment form Mothra.

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    sadicus That's one creepy monster, well done! 😄

  • Zsolt Cseh(csehz) replied

    sadicus Very interesting creature is there, I really like that you followed your own concept, at least I have never seen anything similiar yet which suggests that the creativity created it or how to say :-) Which so does not follow others

  • Jere Haapaharju(swikni) replied

    sadicus Wow that.. thing is amazing! Just the right amount of details with the wrinkles and tentacles. Keep it up!

  • Kent Trammell replied

    sadicus Whew this thing gives me the creeeeps. Just the phrase "larva head" is enough to make my skin crawl. So, well done! Surely that's the goal of a design like this.

    I think it turned out quite well. You're accurate to the reference, forms are shaped well, solid detail work, and my favorite thing: What appears to be an Eevee render! Unless I'm wrong and this is Cycles, I so respect that you're digging around in Eevee and making beautiful images with it. The glow I love and is that even SSS on the fleshy part? Very cool effects.

    It's an easy A in my book 👏

  • silentheart00 replied

    Late to the party.  Creepy.  Good sculpt.