BC1-1808 Homework, Jaz


Week 1 - Homework Submission - Modeling with Primitives

I can't recall how long it's been but I've had such an on and off go at it with Blender.  I truly love the software but trying to find the time to truly invest into it has been tricky for me.  So, recently I've been hearing about Blender 2.8 and it's grease pencil. So, I decided to download and take a look and was blown away with the changes and thought, maybe I'll step back and wait for some tutorials before digging in.  Low and behold, I decided to browse around CG Cookie yesterday and realized Kent was doing an introduction class.  So with little time left to submit an assignment, I started brainstorming for something to do for week one that would be simple but fun and doable within a day.  And something kept saying do a BOOM BOX!!!

So I experimented with that idea for my homework.  Because this wasn't a complex scene, there wasn't much knowledge gained in this process based on my previous time spent using Blender.  But I tried challenge myself with creating form to indicate different parts of the box and after completing my model, I duplicated and colored one.  At this point, I noticed that I could not select multiple objects and change the material color, so I had to select one by one to add the color.  Because I haven't been messing around in Blender for some time, I couldn't remember how I did this in previous version.  But I'm sure I'm missing something. But enough rambling, here's my submission. 

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    Damn, that's looking nice, very convincing! 

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    Looks really good, well done!

  • silentheart00 replied

    Nice!  Good detail!  I could use more color, but maybe I'm just a colorful person lol.  Looks good regardless.

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    so long since i saw this . brings back memories :D really nice done all the details are there :)

  • Zsolt Cseh(csehz) replied

    jjmac05 That is so good idea! Also thanks for describing your creative process

  • William Hines(vortigaunt4) replied

    Very cool. I'm so used to vertex editing, that when the exercise said to create something only using primitives, I didn't think it would be possible to create something this detailed and accurate. Well Done

  • Scott McClellan(pffsfs) replied

    Jaz... the 80's called and they want your technology. lol. This was well done.

    *sniff* if only you could have made an 8-track player too. :D

  • Kaj Suominen(louhikarme) replied

    I had one of those back in a day.. :D (or atleast something very similar) :) well done.

  • Jake Korosi(jakeblended) replied

    Righteous. :)

  • Julian B(bsdwerbeagentur) replied

    Very cool idea. Nicely done!

  • Kent Trammell replied

    jjmac05 An 80's boombox. Splendid choice for a primitives exercise! With excellent execution as well. Those details...Really nice job. It's one of those that no one would guess is a primitives-only scene. Such a recognizable design. A+ in my book 👏

    I'm thrilled to hear the timing of this class worked out too. Happy to have you as part of the class!

  • Jaz McDaniel(jmac05) replied

    Thank you all!  I really appreciate it.  These responses are great and unexpected!